
After publishing Compass's assets, its primary configuration file will be located at config/compass.php below is the default content of the config file:

return [
    | Compass Path
    | This is the URI path where Compass will be accessible from. Feel free
    | to change this path to anything you like.

    'path' => env('COMPASS_PATH', 'compass'),

    | Laravel Routes
    | This is the routes rules that will be filtered for the requests list. use
    | * as a wildcard to match any characters. note that the following array
    | list "exclude" must be referenced by the route name.
    | "base_uri" is a string value as a comparison for grouping the routes.

    'routes' => [
        'domains' => [

        'prefixes' => [

        'exclude' => [

        'base_uri' => '*',

    | Compass Storage Driver
    | This configuration options determines the storage driver that will
    | be used to store your API calls and routes. In addition, you may set any
    | custom options as needed by the particular driver you choose.

    'driver' => env('COMPASS_DRIVER', 'database'),

    'storage' => [
        'database' => [
            'connection' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql'),

    | Compass Authenticator
    | This options allow you to get all the "credentials" of users that you can
    | use to perform auth requests through the UI. when "enabled" set to "true"
    | you should adjust the authentication guard driver for your application to
    | support "token" or "sanctum".

    'authenticator' => [
        'enabled' => false,
        'guard' => 'api',
        'identifier' => 'email',

    | Compass Documenter Provider
    | This configuration option determines the documenter provider that will be
    | used to create a beautiful API documentation. In addition, you may set
    | any custom options as needed by the particular provider you choose.

    'documenter' => 'documentarian',

    'provider' => [
        'documentarian' => [
            'output' => 'public/docs',
            'example_requests' => [

Migration Customization

If you are not going to use Compass's default migrations, you should call the Compass::ignoreMigrations method in the register method of your AppServiceProvider. You may export the default migrations using the php artisan vendor:publish --tag=compass-migrations command.